The story of Shuffle Tactics is set in the medieval world of Asteria, where King Ogma has cursed the land as he attempts to revive his beloved. Instead of returning his love, the King has unleashed Glimmer, a force that has corrupted the inhabitants of Asteria and the King himself, while imbuing the hero protagonists with special powers. Players will be tasked with uncovering the secret behind the curse, as they fight to overthrow the corrupt King and restore peace to the kingdom.
Shuffle Tactics’ combat system is a hybrid of turn-based tactical battles and card-based actions. Encounters take place on a grid and invite players to take advantage of environmental tactics and cards from their customizable deck. Positioning to take advantage of the shifting elevation will be crucial to success in combat. The title includes 5 heroes, 26 enemies, 18 bosses, 5 regions, and 500 hero cards.
During their adventure through Asteria, players will be aided by companions. There are 20 allies, each with their own advantages in battle across a range of disciplines including healing, magic and archery. There will be the option to hire these companions, whose playstyle will need to be taken into account as they can create synergies with the main hero during battles. The idea is that the allies, who have their own specific sets of cards, will complement the player’s playstyle.
In addition, there are “hundreds” of relics that the development team says add new tactical options to every battle.
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