economy and politics

Second Regional Meeting of Dialogue, Advances and Challenges in the Construction of the Amazon Platform of Indigenous Peoples

This meeting is part of the commitments assumed under the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Furthermore, it is linked to the Belém Declarationadopted at the IV Summit of Presidents of the Amazon countries in August 2023, which highlights the valuable contribution of Indigenous Peoples in the conservation of biodiversity and the Amazon ecosystem. In its paragraph 43, this Declaration promotes the strengthening of indigenous participation in the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) of the UNFCCC, opening the door for the Amazon Platform to consolidate itself as a space for regional articulation, specialized in change climatic.

The main objective of the meeting will be socialize progress, achievements and challenges in the construction of the Amazon Regional Platform of Indigenous Peoples, a key space to integrate ancestral knowledge in the processes of adaptation and resilience against climate change.

During the event, discussion panels, workshops and exchange forums will be held on crucial topics such as biodiversity conservation, sustainable management of natural resources and strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Indigenous authorities will present their experiences and proposals, ensuring that their voices are fundamental in regional decision-making.

This meeting represents a unique opportunity for strengthen cooperation between governments and Indigenous Peoplespromoting an inclusive approach that values ​​traditional knowledge and sustainable practices in the fight against climate change.

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