Science and Tech

Scientists from the University of Arizona shared their studies in dendrochronology

Scientists from the University of Arizona shared their studies in dendrochronology

As part of its 30th anniversary, the Dendrochronology and Global Change Laboratory of the UACh School of Forest Sciences and Natural Resources received the visit of Steve Leavitt and Irina Panyushkina, both from the University of Arizona, United States.

International researchers maintain ties with academics from the UACh and on this occasion they presented talks that showed their main research. The first of them was specifically addressed to researchers of the Faculty. The second activity was open to the public, an opportunity in which Irina Panyushkina presented “Growth rings as indicators of the increase in flows associated with the accelerated warming of the Arctic”.

During his presentation, he discussed questions such as how can we understand flow changes in arctic rivers? What do tree rings tell us about the history of river flow?

Steve Leavitt then gave a talk entitled “Growth Ring Isotopes for Environmental Reconstruction: A Historical Perspective.” Here the researcher showed part of the history of isotope studies and how the scientific publications involved in isotopes have increased from 1980 to the present day. In this regard, he indicated that isotopes currently contribute relevant data for studies of climatology, hydrology, ecology and ecophysiology.

Thus, he also referred to key researchers in advances in the world of dendrochronology and pioneers who have contributed to science throughout history.

For Prof. Antonio Lara, an academic from the Institute of Conservation, Biodiversity and Territory of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Natural Resources of the UACh, “the ties with researchers from the University of Arizona are relevant since they strengthen the scientific work of the Lab. Of Dendrochronology and Global Change of the UACh and the realization of stays of students of our Faculty and in their training as researchers.

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