Science and Tech

Scientist claims that we are simply characters of an advanced AI and that the proof is hidden in the Bible

Scientist claims that we are simply characters of an advanced AI and that the proof is hidden in the Bible

Regardless of whether you are a believer or not, the truth is that human beings still have many doubts about their existence, about the origin that created absolutely everything, and if you do not believe in religion, perhaps artificial intelligence is your new belief.

This is what the physics professor at the University of Portsmouth believes. Melvin Vopsonwhich directly points out that the creation of the entire universe could be part of an advanced computer simulation.

The curious thing is that he considers that the Bible already warned us a long time ago that we are in a simulation, but that no one had realized.

It refers to the Gospel of John, one of the first four books of the New Testament, the second part of the Christian Bible.

Specifically, he wants us to pay attention to the following phrase: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

He adds that this verse has “deep theological significance in Christian doctrine,” but also carries “intriguing implications.”

He says that the word “Word” refers to the computer code that governs the control of the simulation.

“The code that runs the simulation is not separate from the divine, but is an integral part of it, perhaps an AI.”

He also extracts the following verse from the Gospel: “All things were made through him, and without him nothing was made that was made…”.

The professor notes that this verse “implies a Creator who brought the simulated universe into existence through the Word (i.e., code),” he says.

“It suggests that the act of creation, as described in the Bible, could be analogous to a divine act of programming and simulation,” he adds.

“What is truly remarkable is that the interpretation given is completely aligned with the events of our time: the rise of AI, and is also exactly what ‘The Matrix’ was projecting,” he said.

He gives as an example that today there are limits to the speed of light, and suggests that this could be determined by the speed of the processor that generates this simulated reality.

He comments that the laws of physics are also similar to a computer code, while the elementary particles that make up matter are like pixels.

Just as the abundance of symmetry in the world is an energy saving technique that uses machines to represent the digitally constructed world.

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Tags: Artificial intelligence

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