The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has vindicated this Monday the laws promoted by Yolanda Díaz, such as the labor reform or the increase in the Minimum Wage, in an act of the PSOE this Monday in Albacete, against the Popular Party, whom he has accused of “torpedo whenever you can.”
“Whenever they can, they remind us where they are and what model of society they want, which is that of 2013,” Sánchez assured. The President of the Executive has criticized that the PP “has no arguments, only insults and noise” and that “all the social advances” have been made with the party of Alberto Núñez Feijóo against it, as in the case of the “reform of pensions”, “the labor reform”, with which “the Government reached an agreement with unions and employers”, or the increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage.
However, the president did not mention in this act the presentation of the candidacy of Yolanda Díaz that took place this Sunday in Madrid, as the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, did. “It is very good news that the varied, diverse political forces that are to the left of the PSOE organize and go together and it would be even better if they were all, without exception, in that unique project that is Sumar and that started yesterday ”, Bolaños has indicated.
“They said that raising the SMI was going to destroy employment and what it does is grow, that raising pensions according to the CPI was going to unbalance the system and what it does is lower the deficit, that it was going to be impossible to control inflation and that of Spain is one of the smallest in the EU, we were going to have the worst autumn in terms of social conflict and Spain is the country with the greatest social peace in Europe”, said Sánchez.
On the European Union, Sánchez has indicated that Feijóo goes to Brussels to “discredit” the actions of the Executive such as the achievement of European funds that “are modernizing” the productive fabric. “The future ends up always agreeing with progress and will put the right in its place, as it has always done. That is why we have to go out to defend what the majority thinks and not forget where we come from ”, he added.
“The right identifies reforms with cutting back and we identify reforms with dignifying”, asserted the president, who also spoke of the “need” for progressive governments in view of the upcoming regional elections on May 28.