Science and Tech

Samsung and Cheil launch free Impulse app to help people who stutter through AI

Samsung and Cheil launch free Impulse app to help people who stutter through AI

Improve speech fluency through rhythmic wrist support with the Galaxy Watch6 smartwatch

April 9 () –

Samsung Electronics Iberia and Cheil are going to launch Impulse, a free application that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve the daily lives of people with speech disorders, such as stuttering, the company reported in a statement.

Impulse is an Android application for the Galaxy Watch6 range of smart watches that works through a vibration system on the wrist and is available for free download in Spain from the Play Store and in the Galaxy Store for Watch6 watches compatible with versions of Android 10 and higher.

The 'smartwatch' tells the user the tempo of each phoneme or wordaccording to the particularities of the patient's disorder and, through this physical support through vibration, The user knows their own speech rhythm, which allows them to avoid blocks in diction and facilitate fluency in their speech.

From the moment the application is installed, the user can complete a questionnaire to provide all the details that will allow Impulse to offer personalized assistance adapted to each case. Once configured with this information, the application detects the user's speech and triggers sending an appropriate rhythmic base to the watch.

The application has three levels of exercises that allow you to practice words or phrases, but also the intonation necessary to promote fluent speech in conversations.

The function 'Syllabication' allows you to practice rhythm by dividing words thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 'Up and down' It facilitates tone management in two aspects such as intonation and voice volume. Finally, the mode 'Rehearse your essay' provides a simple guide to practicing long texts that have to be defended in public.

To use it, the user enters the text file in the application and selects the tone (formal, informal, emotional, etc.) they want to use. Artificial Intelligence, for its part, analyzes the text and creates the vibration pattern according to the phrases or paragraphs included and the necessary pauses.

This application, which is part of the initiative Samsung Technology with Purposeis endorsed by SpeechCare Center, a company with more than 15 years of patient care in speech and language therapy, with locations in the United Arab Emirates, Portugal and Spain.


“As with Unfear or Unnoise, Impulse is designed to offer another way of inclusion in groups that have been affected by social isolation, in this case, by stuttering. We are proud that Tecnología con Propósito continues to offer technological solutions for improve people's daily lives, through inclusive, safe and sustainable AI“, stated the Iberia CMO & Head of Direct to Consumer at Samsung Electronics Iberia, Alfonso Fernández.

Technology with Purpose is “a platform that emerged in Spain twelve years ago incorporating technological projects with which to improve people's lives through technology” and that throughout its life has allowed promote more than 30 projects and an investment of more than 25 million euros, Fernández said.

For its part, Impulse is “focused on improving the lives of people who suffer of dysphemia“, a speech disorder that generally arises in childhood, but can also be caused by other types of disorders such as ALS, a stroke or some dementia-type diseaseshe detailed.

Fernández explained that this application provides users with “a rhythmic impulse with which to establish certain patterns that make these people avoid blocking when pronouncing and intoning and, obviously, avoiding conflictive situations that are not comfortable for them at times.” of public speaking or interaction in a social way”.

“What artificial intelligence does is disaggregate the different words of a text, even the syllables of those words, to synchronize them with the metronome of the 'smartwatch' and from there create patterns of impulses, of vibrations of the 'smartwatch', which allow guide this person when intoning and pronouncing and ensuring that these patterns adapt to the tone, the conversation and the text they want to pronounce“, he explained.

The manager has assured that Samsung has been incorporating AI in all its developments for years and has indicated that, in the past, the company has developed projects with which to improve the lives of people who suffer from ALS or people with autism who suffer from acoustic hypersensitivity. and has allowed early detection of dyslexia. Looking ahead, he has advanced further developments in which AI will have “a positive side to improving people's lives.”


From a medical perspective, the clinical director of SpeechCare Center, Gonçalo Leal, explained that “communication is an essential condition for the human being” and a disorder at this level “can have a total impact on the person”, since it can generate communication difficulties or negative experiences that can even lead to mental health disorders.

For this reason, he has highlighted the “high” importance of this application and the change it can mean for people who stutter or have other types of speech disorders that affect rhythm, since it can help better understand stuttering and better determine the types of therapy that should be applied.

“Technology is revolutionizing speech therapy and “This application can greatly enhance the work done in speech therapy,” Leal has highlighted, who has indicated that this app allows the patient to control their exercises, monitor them and provide feedback.

As he has pointed out, it allows the user to “practice in a safe way” which will stimulate the ease of water, providing autonomy while providing greater knowledge to the speech therapist.

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