
Salvini points to the last jump over the Melilla fence as an example of the “invasion of Europe”

Salvini points to the last jump over the Melilla fence as an example of the "invasion of Europe"

June 26 (EUROPA PRESS) –

Italian far-right Liga leader Matteo Salvini has published a video of sub-Saharans trying to jump the Melilla border fence on Friday as an example of the “invasion of Europe” by immigrants.

“Look at the images of the invasion of Europe,” Salvini posted on his Twitter account. The far-right leader has thus mentioned the “invasion of some 2,000 illegals armed with stones and sticks.”

“There are also dead police officers,” he said. The official balance so far is 23 dead immigrants and dozens of wounded, including police officers, but there are no deaths among the security forces. “Is there room for everyone in Italy and Europe? No. Absolutely not,” she has riveted.

At least 27 people according to NGOs, 23 according to sources from the authorities cited by the official Moroccan press, died due to the intervention of the Moroccan security forces during the attempt of more than 2,000 sub-Saharans to cross the Melilla fence last Friday.

More than a hundred people were injured, including dozens of police officers, although only 18 migrants and one police officer were hospitalized on Sunday, admitted to the Hassani Hospital and the Oujda University Hospital.

After the clashes, Moroccan security forces handcuffed and piled immobilized migrants on the ground in the streets of Chinatown in the city of Nador, images that have gone around the world.

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