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A few days ago we told you about the new YouTube channel launched by Masahiro Sakurai, which is dedicated to dealing with interesting topics about game development. In the last video of him, he talked about the frame rate in each installment and said which one is the best.
As you surely remember, and after the creative finished posting screenshots about Super Smash Bros Ultimateannounced his new channel Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games, which already has more than 300,000 followers.
It is because of this that a video has just been published that talks about the frame rate in games, where Sakurai shares his thoughts on the matter and assures that 60 fps is “ideal” and 30 fps is “adequate”.
Here you can see it:
“60fps is an ideal frame rate when possible, but 30fps is a common standard… And 30fps is still more than adequate for gaming,” said the Japanese during the video showing scenes from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
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It is worth mentioning that, in general, the titles on Nintendo Switch aim for 30 to 60 fps, although on PlayStation and Xbox consoles they can reach 120 fps, while on PC they can reach up to 144 fps or more, depending on the capacity of it’s components.
What do you think of Sakurai’s words? Tell us in the comments.
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