
Resident Evil 4 Remake improves something that was perfect

Garrador looks creepy

Resident Evil 4 Remake It’s coming in a few weeks and we had a chance to see it in action. Our pulse was altered and fear returned… Here’s what remains and what’s new in Capcom’s next monster.


resident evil 4 It is one of the best video games of all time and making a remake is not an easy task because we are talking about a jewel. By Capcom standards, this means nothing more than raising the level, improving what was already perfect and enhancing its elements with current production values, although adding one or another novelty.

The first thing that becomes clear to us is that Resident Evil 4 Remake He will not let us rest for a single moment. This installment will take place between terror and madness. Everything is achieved thanks to the improvements in the audiovisual section that result in a renewed face for this Spanish town dominated by the cult of Los Illuminados. The trail of sacrifices, death and madness are everywhere, so going through open and closed spaces is shown as an experience capable of taking tension and fear to the maximum.

Video: Resident Evil 4 Remake- Advance Trailer

This preview let us see the wooded area that precedes the battle with the Del Lago creature, the arrival at the castle and part of its interior with some passive moments and others full of action that served to show off the enemies and the creatures in which they can become. At all times the careful hand of the development team is evident to turn every detail into an expression of the horrifying events that were experienced and will be experienced there.

resident Evil He opted for camera angles that would make us doubt what was on the other side of a corner, a door or a corridor. That spirit lives on Resident Evil 4 Remake but now magnified by the elements of shadows and lighting”

In its origin, resident Evil He opted for camera angles that would make us doubt what was on the other side of a corner, a door or a corridor. That spirit lives on Resident Evil 4 Remake but now magnified by the elements of shadows and lighting. It is enough to go through part of the forest for the heartbeat to increase, since the benefits of the RE Engine turned those places, which at the time generated uncertainty, into a true nightmare. The light of the lamp pointing towards a place while everything else remains in the dark and Leon advances surrounded by heartbreaking screams or prayers to the cult are enough to make the most insensitive skin crawl.

The same happens in more crowded spaces, such as the Salazar Castle, where the tension due to the danger that looms in every corner increases and there is hardly a single moment of peace. The journey through the corridors is the inevitable arrival in an area full of enemies that will not stop to finish off Leon and get Ashley back.

The treatment given to the original work in this remake shines in every setting. The trace of carelessness, the disturbed nature, the rust, the blood, the metal used to torture, the medieval architecture of a place plunged into madness… everything is on a new level, and if you ever owed the original title as far as terror, this time you will ask that it stop.

Resident Evil 4 Remake It follows a line very well traced by the video game that gives rise to it, and it seems that Capcom took certain liberties to expand —a little— this nightmare, hence we find new sections consistent with what happens, such as the catacombs of the castle, a gloomy space that emanates the horror that is hidden there and that will welcome us to the tough battle against Garrador.

Garrador looks creepy


resident evil 4 It distinguished itself by leaning more towards action with dynamic combat, and by showing a more empowered Leon with enough arsenal to deal with the huge number of enemies, something that blended perfectly with the story and setting. Resident Evil 4 Remake takes up that proposal and promises to take us from fear to absolute tension with combat and defense mechanics that, under all that terror and adrenaline, aim to be the most fun.

This Preview let us see Leon in action, first with the Ganados, residents and cannon fodder of the town inhabited by madness, which will be more ferocious because the clumsiness of their movements in the original delivery was left behind. The angry inhabitants are faster, their weapons do more damage and, as in the original, as night falls some will release the parasite inside to replace their heads. From what we could see, this time it will be more difficult to deal with those situations because the attack of the parasite is longer and faster, in addition to the fact that they seem to be more resistant.

Resident Evil 4 Remake It promises to take us from fear to absolute tension with combat and defense mechanics that, underneath all that terror and adrenaline, aim to be a lot of fun”

We notice that Leon has more fluid movements and everything indicates that the control was worked with special care to respond in a timely manner. Proof of this are the clashes in the Salazar Castle with sections where you have to respond faster. If the Won are more ferocious, the Monks and Protectors are the next step in a difficulty scale that will test your talent with command and the ability to shoot, hit, contain and dodge. Everything looks coldly calculated to even turn it into a macabre dance from which you better be victorious.

Thus, Resident Evil 4 Remake it will take us in an instant from uncertainty and fear to absolute tension; hence we remind you that this game will not give up or let us rest.

18 years have passed to get to this in Resident Evil 4
18 years have passed to get to this in Resident Evil 4


In addition to all the audiovisual enhancements, Resident Evil 4 Remake It shows off in its details and gameplay some novelties that from now on attract attention.

Capcom would not throw us into the brutality of this world without additions to balance the experience. In the combats we saw in action the well-known Parry, which will be carried out with the knife, and all it requires is to press a button at the right moment to gain an opportunity and a slight advantage against the enemy. Everything seems to indicate that there is nothing to worry about, since it is not about Leon fearlessly blocking the enemies to get away with it, but about the fact that the combats are brutal and the Parry itself will not make you win, in addition to the fact that it depends of your reflexes

“…there’s nothing to worry about, because it’s not about Leon fearlessly blocking enemies to get away with it, but about the fact that the combats are brutal and the Parry itself will not make you win”

Another detail is that the knife will gain prominence thanks to the stealth possibilities that can be applied with a common enemy or even with a boss, like Garrador, where a good strategy will allow us to break its weak point. Gone are those endless slashes to finish off wounded enemies on the ground to save bullets, so you can use it to finish them off in a single move after the damage you’ve done to them.

In addition to Parry, Resident Evil 4 Remake It features a move to dodge attacks by simply ducking. The mechanics are the same: pressing the exact button at the right time, something that can be as quick as the blink of an eye.

Precisely the role of the knife allowed us to know what will happen in terms of weapons. The famous Merchant welcomes us with his famous phrases, but the interface has been modified to show precise information about the weapons and their characteristics. In the case of the knife, we note that it is susceptible to wear, so it will be necessary to invest in its care and durability.

Leon looks better than ever in this remake of the all-time classic
Leon looks better than ever in this remake of the all-time classic

As before, it is possible and in some cases necessary to upgrade firearms, but there are fewer levels to reach to achieve maximum performance. If you played the original, you’ll remember that firearms can increase their power, ammo count, and reload speed; here, the novelty is that Leon can carry more weapons. We have 8 spaces assigned to the directional crosshead, something that sounds logical and in line with the increase in the intensity and ferocity of the fighting.

As you can expect, the allocation of space for your weapons in the briefcase is back, so you will have to remember your feats in Tetris to cover every frame and have everything you need to break through.

We notice the return of the storage of weapons and items, something like the traditional trunks of the first games in the franchise; Apparently, they will be in the menu that opens when you save your progress with traditional typewriters. Right there, we saw that there are amulets, items that you will surely have to discover or that will arrive as a reward after a hard battle and that will give you some advantage; For example, the chicken ensures that each egg consumption recovers 100% of our health.

Finally, a noticeable change in Resident Evil 4 Remake It has to do with some boss fights, as it seems that Quick Time Events are a thing of the past and now we will have to fully rely on our control of the situation. The battles we watched with Garrador and Krauser showed it, so the duel will be brutal and unhindered.


It seems that Resident Evil 4 Remake It will not stray too far from its origin, and that is something that many of us hope for because we are talking about an all-time classic. However, Capcom is showing that it knows how to choose the moments and places where it can advance the formula to adapt it to our times and revive the glorious title of 2005 and make it, simply, much better.

Resident Evil 4 will make the original installment better than ever
Resident Evil 4 will make the original installment better than ever

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