economy and politics

Representatives of the IAPT Community of Córdoba share their work as promoters of cluster initiatives

Since the creation of the Cluster Initiatives Platform and other Territorial Productive Articulation Initiatives (IAPT), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has sought to promote collaborative work throughout the region. This effort, aimed at strengthening productive integration and promoting the diversification and sophistication of the productive apparatus, is already showing tangible results in countries such as Argentina. Almost a year after its implementation, the city of Córdoba stands out as the province that has registered the most initiatives, with 17 active programs.

Córdoba Acelera, one of the main promoters of the IAPT Platform in Argentina, has positioned itself as a crucial public body that since 2022 seeks to stimulate new economies, emerging sectors and the entrepreneurial ecosystem, in order to promote the creation of value and transform the social, economic and environmental environment of Córdoba.

Among the objectives sought by the Platform is productive integration at both the national and territorial levels. In this regard, one of the major milestones of the promoting entity in 2023 was the creation of more than a thousand formal jobs in the first link of the Knowledge Economy.

An agreement signed by the Municipality of Córdoba, Córdoba Acelera and the BPO & KPO Córdoba Cluster enabled the creation of these high-quality jobs, of which 70% were occupied by women, and 25% of these are mothers. This agreement was renewed until 2024, with the promise of generating 500 new jobs in this sector, in the companies that are part of this cluster: Evoltis, Konecta, Multiconex, Apex, VN Global BPO, Voicenter, Telemercado and General Collect.

ECLAC has also promoted vocational training through the Platform, as a key tool for economic diversification. In this area, it is worth highlighting that the Córdoba BIM Cluster, with the support of Córdoba Acelera, launched a scholarship programme for professionals and students of architecture, engineering and construction, in order to increase the implementation of BIM technology in the region.

In turn, the Localization and Interpretation Cluster of Córdoba (CLIC) designed a program with the aim of covering the labor demand for the position of Translation Project Manager, a growing sector that is essential for international trade. The course, taught by the Instituto Superior Politécnico de Córdoba, began in August with more than 110 participants and full places.

These initiatives reflect ECLAC’s commitment to training and the generation of skills that respond to the demands of the new value chains promoted by the Platform, contributing to the development of emerging productive sectors. Through this initiative, the promotion of economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean continues, with Córdoba emerging as an exemplary case of how public-private collaboration can promote territorial strengthening.

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