
Reddit Users Pick The 10 Worst Pokemon To Date

Unown is still misunderstood

Pokemon is one of the most important sagas today and continues to surprise us with each of its pocket monsters. It is because of this that every time we know more characters that conquer the community and others that leave much to be desired, which is why Reddit users chose the 10 worst.

Unown is still misunderstood

As you surely know, fans of the franchise continue to have a debate about which are the least liked Pokémon in each of the generations, which has caused a lot of controversy so far.

However, some Reddit users decided to create a list and choose the 10 characters that for them are the worst created in the history of the saga, so we invite you to continue reading to learn about them.

Here you can see them:

  • 10.throh
  • 9. Bruxish
  • 8.Ledian
  • 7. Eelektrik
  • 6.Silcoon
  • 5. Yungoos
  • 4. Gothite
  • 3. Falling in love
  • 2. Onyx
  • 1.unown

As you could see, the first place on the list is Unown, a psychic type Pokémon with 28 different versions that was introduced in the second generation of the saga, which seems to still not convince the community.

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In addition, Onix was left with second place due to their stats being considered unbalanced. This is due to what users called the “curse of being the first gym ace”.

Finally, third place went to Enamorus, a legendary Pokémon introduced in the eighth generation that, although it can be considered very strong, its feminine style with pink tones and heart shapes is far from being a fan favorite.

What do you think of this Reddit list? Do you agree? Tell us in the comments.

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