economy and politics

Rain forecast: until when will it rain in Bogotá and other regions of the country?

Rains in Colombia

Bogota has been, since the end of September and beginning of October, with rain and considerable fog, especially in the early mornings, when the capital dawns covered in this white mantle over its mountains.

But what is the reason for this change in climate, after several weeks with a lot of sun?

The Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Ideam) explained to Citytv that this is due to “to the entry of cloudiness from low layers in the morning hours, which leads to a decrease in visibility in sectors of the Cundiboyacense Altiplano“.

(See: How hurricanes are classified and what factors are taken into account).

The situation even has compromised clarity up to a kilometer away, which has generated damages in the air sector.

From the entity, they added that it is likely that cloudiness will continue to be recorded in the coming days, that is, “let the humidity try to condense again in the morning hours”.

(See: Section of the Amazon River in Colombia was 90% drained due to drought).

Rains in Colombia.


Regarding the rains, Ideam explained that “There is an entry of humidity towards the center of the country from the south east of the South American continent“.

This means that it is very likely that rain will continue to occur in the coming days, as well as thunderstorms.

In addition to Bogotá and its savanna, The Orinoquía, sectors of the foothills in the Eastern Cordillera and the Andean region will also register rain.

(See: What explains the rains in the north and the fires in the south of the country? Ideam responds).

Recent analysis of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) they realize some conditions with which it can be concluded that neither the El Niño nor the La Niña phenomenon are present at this time. However, experts warn that this situation could soon change.

Ideam predictions say that there is a 71% probability that the La Niña phenomenon will develop from the last quarter of 2024 and continue during January, February and March 2025, with a probability of 63%.

According to these forecasts, La Niña would experience its strongest moments between November of this year and January 2025.

(See: The great economic transformations facing the world, according to the WEF).

For October, national and international climate models indicate that precipitation in Colombia will vary depending on the region: The Amazon and the eastern Llanos would experience normal to below-expected rainfall. On the other hand, in the rest of the country, precipitation would be within or above the usual climatic average.


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