economy and politics

Proposal to reduce congressional salaries: why it is controversial

Proposal to reduce congressional salaries: why it is controversial

In Congress, a draft legislative act which includes limits to the re-election of congressmen, the extension of the periods of ordinary sessions, the modification of the causes of loss of investiture, of the salary system and benefits.

(Wage gap? This will win congressmen close to possession).

The reforms to the legislature were presented by the senators of the Historical Pact, Roy Barreras, Iván Cepeda and Gustavo Bolívar, and the representative Catherine Juvinao of the Green Alliance.

In relation to the salary system, it is established that the remuneration of congressmen, which today is above $34 million, it cannot exceed 25 monthly salaries, that is, close to $28 million.

However, the project presented establishes that this salary allocation for senators and representatives be readjusted until the end of the constitutional period, that is, in 2026. Therefore, the promoters of the initiative would not be reducing their salary.

the fact that, according to the project, the salary reduction would be from 2026 caused annoyance in different sectorsincluding the Historical Pact because it was a campaign promise.

“I do not share the argument according to which reducing the salaries of congressmen now would be unconstitutional due to the existence of a possible conflict of interest, there are ways to reduce the salary in this period, that power should only be left to the executive #CumplamosYa,” said the Senator Alexander López, of the Historical Pact.

Senator Humberto de la Calle made a call to the congressmen who have supported the salary reduction and told them that “we must comply.” In this sense, he pointed out that “we must promote the corresponding regulations without delay” to the extent that “2026 is too far away”.

For his part, Miguel Uribe, from the Democratic Center, pointed out from his Twitter: “Our project that reduces 20% of the congressmen’s salary comes into force once it is approved. That is, it applies for this period. Colombia requires austerity and savings Now. Not in 2026.”

*With information from EL TIEMPO

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