The official added that Prodecon has even dealt with cases of revenge between couples.
“(There were) two cases in which, due to a strictly personal situation, there was a transmission by a young lady of her tax credentials, her e-signature, to the person who was her partner at the time. Obviously there was incorrect use in the issuance of receipts,” said Ocampo.
He added that the affected person went to the agency so that they could cancel that e-signature and the receipts issued to avoid problems with the treasury. In some cases, taxpayers’ tax obligations have been increased.
Prodecon has detected some cases, although few, in which people are victims of people who request a bank loan in their name.
“At Prodecon we have to investigate. So, we generate requirements through the protocol we have for attention, cases of identity theft, and we generate requirements to the SAT, the IMSS, the Infonavit, including Conagua,” he added.
The work of Prodecon is also to advise taxpayers to file complaints at the federal level before the Attorney General’s Office.
“The generality is the improper transmission of the e-signature. The e.signature is equivalent to a signed blank page, if the person transmits it to someone else it is like transmitting a blank page with his or her handwritten signature,” he highlighted.
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