
pending issues of the Commission that voted to reduce sentences for ETA |

Maximum expectation for the next presentation of the Justice Commission. After all the alarms went off on October 7 due to the reform promoted by the coalition government thanks to which several ETA members They will be able to enjoy reductions in prison sentencesthe commission that once processed the Amnesty Law is once again in the media spotlight.

The vote in favor of PP and Vox for the legislative reform, which will allow ETA members like ‘Txapote’, ‘Gaddafi’ or ‘Anboto’ to commute years in prison fulfilled in France, occurred on July 31 in said commission. A “mistake” assumed by Genoa and that the Senate desperately tried to stop with a veto ‘in extremis’, ignored by the Congressional Board.

Now, after a “slump in pace”, referred to by parliamentary sources consulted by Vozpópuli as an attempt by the PSOE to reduce tension after the reform hurricane achieved thanks to an amendment by Sumar, the Justice Commission will begin rolling in the coming days. There remains a lot of fabric to cut and several legislative proposals whose processing will continue to bring a queue.

Among the law proposals waiting in the chamber, the one registered by Sumar stands out regarding a reform of the Penal Code “to protect freedom of expression and recover public liberties.” The proposal, led by Enrique Santiago in the Justice Commission, puts on the table decriminalize crimes of insult to institutionsamong which those referred to the Crown are included.

This point of the legislative reform is almost a reality, after last September PSOE and Yolanda Díaz’s party agreed to include this point in the Democratic Regeneration Plan announced by Sánchez. The bill registered by Sumar also includes the repeal of glorification of terrorismincluded in article 578 of the Penal Code, and marked by the socialists as a red line.

It remains to be seen if, finally, Pedro Sánchez’s men give in once again to their government partners, at a time when the victims of ETA demand that the Executive prohibit tributes to ETA.

Access to the judicial career

In the cold room of the commission chaired by the socialist Francisco Lucas Ayala is another bill registered by the heirs of Podemos and Izquierda Unida: reforming access to the judicial career. Yolanda Díaz’s people want replace the free opposition system by an exam similar to that of the MIR so that candidates are valued based on their academic grade.

This reform has been widely criticized by judges and magistrates who understand it as a new attempt to “ideologically control access to the judicial career.” Furthermore, they criticize the Government’s discourse by showing as the basis of this norm the idea that judges are part of an elitist and right-wing caste.

Law proposals promoted by the PP

Among the law proposals promoted by the Popular Party, the one relating to illegal squatting stands out. Those of Feijoó PP want to implement the “express eviction”that is, force the exit in less than 24 hours. Firstly, it advocates voluntary eviction once it is required by the authority, and if it is not done voluntarily, after 24 hours, the eviction could be carried out forcefully.

For the moment, this parliamentary initiative remains stalled in the amendment process, while the Congressional Committee favors the processing of other legislative proposals. The ‘popular’ They would also need the yes of PNV, Junts and the Canarian Coalition to move it forward in the Justice Commission.

The PP is also waiting for Armengol to promote the processing of his proposed organic law to modify the delimitation of the powers of the National Court in cases of drug trafficking or money launderingamong others. The objective is for the “particularly serious” summaries to be transferred to this judicial body which, along with other modifications, would serve to “speed up” the work of the courts in areas such as Barbate that are in charge of these matters and that have limited resources. media.

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