
One of the pioneers of artificial intelligence resigns from Google and warns of its dangers

First modification:

Geoffrey Hinton, Google’s artificial intelligence pioneer, resigned from the company after realizing that computers could outsmart humans much sooner than he and other experts had expected. “If it hadn’t been me, someone else would have done it,” Hinton said of his warnings in a lengthy interview with The New York Times.

“A common person it will no longer be able to identify the true from the false”. This is one of the phrases that reflects the fear of one of the fathers of artificial intelligence (AI) about the advances of this technology and its effects on society.

“The idea that these things could be smarter than people, some bought it. But most thought it was a long way off, I thought it was a long way off too, I thought it was 30 or 50 years away, or even more. Obviously, I don’t think that anymore,” he said Geoffrey Hinton in an interview with ‘The New York Times’, after resigning from Google.

The so-called ‘godfather of AI’, resigned from the company as a social service to society to warn of the dangers of tools like ChatGPT and to warn of upcoming creations that could make the panorama even more complex and convoluted.

Hinton did not want to give any warning on the subject before leaving the company, and even specified that Google’s treatment of this technology is “responsible.”

Geoffrey Hinton published on his social networks the reason why he had resigned from Google and clarified what he meant in the interview
Geoffrey Hinton published on his social networks the reason why he had resigned from Google and clarified what he meant in the interview © France 24 English

With Geoffrey’s public warning, Google spoke out:

We remain committed to a responsible approach to AI. We are continually learning to understand emerging risks while boldly innovating

Hinton collaborated in the creation of the so-called “neural networks” that allow machines to learn from mistakes to optimize their performance and give more accurate information. These networks work similar to how the human brain works and even, for the expert, in the medium term the machine could surpass us.

The race between Microsoft and Google to have the most advanced technology is another issue that worries the scientist. According to him, the competition between these two greats of the industry it will not stop without some kind of global regulation, which could drive humanity into an abyss.

And it is that, although artificial intelligence can already be a disinformation tool through the creation of content that is difficult to validate, industry experts have warned that the technology could even surpass humans and lead to chaotic scenarios between great powers such as the media, politics or education.

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Written by Editor TLN

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