economy and politics

Not everything is fascism and not everything is manipulation

Not everything is fascism and not everything is manipulation

The walls of pride are sometimes so round and high that they barely allow a glimpse of anything on the other side. Everything remains within a misunderstood pride that almost always leads to ignorance and to a tiny dimension of the human being. This determination not to admit mistakes or learn from them is like refusing to accept learning that is as necessary to continue life as the air we breathe.

In politics the same thing happens. The last example -scandalous because of the matter to which it concerns- is that of the Secretary of State for Equality and against Gender Violence, Ángela Rodríguez, who during her participation in a round table organized by Podemos ironized about an issue in which she did not there should be room for frivolity or easy jokes. “From the creators of ‘people go to the registry to change their sex every morning’ comes… ‘Rapists on the streets!’ (…) Thousands, waves”, was one of the comments made, with a laugh, by the number two of the Ministry of Equality in reference to the undesired effects that the law of only yes is yes has had on the sentences imposed on pedophiles and sexual abusers.

More than 100 convicts have seen how, thanks to the approval of a technically improvable law, their sentences were reduced compared to those imposed in their day by the courts. More than 100 victims of such predators who went through a trial are therefore now seeing how the process bursts back into their lives to fill them with helplessness and devastation. But the Secretary of State allows the joke between laughs as if it were a minor matter and ignores that this loophole that the legislator inadvertently left in the norm has made all these women feel even more insecure.

Far from rectifying or apologizing, Rodríguez has resorted to the same mantra that his department uses against any criticism, wherever it comes from: everything is fascism, everything is manipulation, or everything is a hunt. “Manipulating what feminists do and say is a dangerous and irresponsible strategy. The fight against sexist violence is our top priority ”, she assured in a video posted on her twitter account.

At this point, no one expected someone in the Government to assume any responsibility for the loophole that the law left open for sexual offenders to alleviate their sentences, but that the number two of Irene Montero be ironic with this matter and show that she is not up to the task. The height of the responsibility she occupies is something that already transcends the head of the Ministry. Also to the socialist ministers who have come out in a rush to make Rodríguez’s behavior ugly. And much more to the person in charge of Equality of the PSOE, Andrea Fernández, who has been one of the most explicit in demanding a rectification. The person who corresponds at this point to take action on the matter is Pedro Sánchez.

It is no secret to reveal that the patience of La Moncloa with the behavior of those responsible for that Ministry is about to run out, that the anecdotary of attitudes and extravagant whims in its political action has a considerable history and that if some ministers were already they had decreed a cessation of the coexistence forced by the agreements of the government coalition.

Sánchez, in effect, cannot decide to dismiss a Secretary of State because it is the exclusive competence of the minister who has appointed her, but he can dismiss the head of Equality if, within a reasonable period of time, he does not force his second to apologize and admit the damage done. However, the overacted and choral calls to responsibility that the socialist ministers have coordinated against Rodríguez are the demonstration that, although the body asks him to, the president of the Government is not in the business of blowing up the coalition of government, which is what would happen the minute after Irene Montero left the Council of Ministers.

Too much noise for an election year. Or perhaps also the excuse that Podemos is looking for to launch a campaign in which, with Sumar or without Sumar, he will have to work hard to maintain his until now electoral ground.

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