Science and Tech

New theory suggests existence of unknown life forms inside the human body, scientists say


In a recent discovery, scientists at Stanford University They have identified a new form of life, called “Obelisk”which challenges everything known about living organisms on Earth.

This finding, published in the journal Naturehas generated a great stir in the scientific community due to the unique and unusual characteristics of this new organismwhich is smaller than a virus and has properties never before seen in biology.

The Obelisk is a tiny, rod-shaped organism whose structure and behavior have puzzled researchers. Unlike any other known living thing, this organism does not appear to rely on basic resources that sustain life on Earth, such as sunlight, air or nutrients.

Instead of following the traditional rules of biology, The “Obelisk” could be using a completely unknown method to obtain energy and sustain itselfwhich opens new questions about the limits and definitions of life.

A new horizon in biology


The discovery of the “Obelisk” has unleashed a wave of theories and debates in the scientific community. What makes this organism so fascinating? It is their ability to survive without the typical conditions that we know.

This anomaly suggests that there may be a life form that defies conventional biological principles. According to cell biologist Mark Peifer, this organism appears to function in ways that had not been anticipated, raising the possibility that more undiscovered life forms exist on Earth, or even on other planets.

Initial study of this organism has revealed that its genome shares similarities with both viruses and viroids, although it also has unique characteristics that separate it from both categories.

This circular single-stranded RNA genome, without a protein coat, places it in an intermediate terrain between these two groups, indicating that The “Obelisk” could represent a new domain of life.


This discovery not only has implications for biology, but could also transform our understanding of life and its limits. If organisms like it can exist on Earth, They could also be present in extreme environments on other planets or moons.where conditions are not suitable for life as we know it.

This fuels speculation that we could be closer to finding extraterrestrial life, which may not follow the same rules as life on Earth.

The discovery of the “Obelisk” also reopens the debate about what defines a living being. For a long time, scientists have used certain criteria to classify life, but this organism raises the need to review and possibly expand those criteria.

If it is able to live without light, air or food, then current models may not be sufficient. to describe the true diversity of life in the universe.

The discovery of the “Obelisk” is just the beginning of a new stage in biological exploration. Scientists are now focused on further investigating this organism, trying to unravel its secrets and understand how it is able to exist in conditions that would seem impossible for other living beings.

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