economy and politics

Nearly 4,000 digital centers started operating in the country

Nearly 4,000 digital centers started operating in the country

During her visit to the department of Magdalena, the ICT Minister, Sandra Milena Urrutia, announced that 3,692 new digital centers came into operation in the country.

(Read: New ideas to promote ‘startups’).

According to the head of the ICT portfolio2,919 of them are located in departments of region A such as Santander, La Guajira, Huila, Norte de Santander and Córdoba, among others. The remaining 773 are in region B in departments such as Casanare, Chocó, Nariño, Magdalena and Putumayo.

Of the 14,057 digital centers to be installed throughout the country, 3,692 have already entered into operation and are available to students, teachers and communities surrounding rural schools and colleges so that they can access the Internet; Until a few months ago this program was a dream, a utopia, today it is a reality“said the minister.

With the entry into the operational phase of these connectivity pointsthe country reaches 5,207 digital centers at the service of citizens in educational institutions, indigenous reservations, natural parks, military garrisons, health posts, Territorial Spaces for Training and Reincorporation and houses of culture.

(In addition: Artificial intelligence is already a field in ‘dispute’ by companies).

This is the internet of the regions, of deep Colombia. The breakthrough demonstrates the serious and dedicated work we have done over the past few months to make digital hubs a reality.s”, concluded the ICT Minister.


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