Science and Tech

Mottaianai in the industry: what can we learn from Japan?

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The current industry is very polluting, however, there are countries that are very committed to sustainable culture, such as Japan. We can talk about the most sustainable Olympic Games in history, which were held in that country, or how cities, such as Kamikatsu, have become a world reference in Zero Waste. This has given rise to individuals and companies, such as Sustain Awards, care about leaving a positive mark on the planet and are committed to the Mottainai philosophy.

Industry, circular economy and recycling

Today’s industry pollutes a lot, so the circular economy Y recycling are conceived as a solution to this environmental problem. Society is increasingly aware of the devastating effects of climate change. For this reason, the “3Rs” rule has been promoted: reduce, recycle Y re-use natural resources for the purpose of giving them a second life.

For example, Sustain Awards, manufacturer and supplier of sustainable trophies, made with recycled materials, is characterized by contributing to this economic concept, where sustainability is key. Likewise, the production process is taken care of to reduce polluting waste and promote the “zero waste” concept.

Without a doubt, the circular economy in the industrial sector it allows a better use of resources to give them another life. The approach is to put an end to linear production to guarantee a better future for our planet and future generations.

Meaning of mottainai

The mottainai philosophy it has become very popular, however, there are still quite a few people who do not know its meaning. The origin of this word dates back to the fifteenth century and within its appreciations, we have the expression of “dislike”, when an item is unnecessarily discarded or does not receive the proper use.

Mottainai and recycling

This philosophy is related to the feeling of amazement, when the resources that nature offers us are wasted. Actually, the translation of this term is not easy, so it can be understood as “repent for wasting”.

It should be noted that, in Japan, the life of objects is extended to the maximum, for this reason, recycling plays a very important role. As we mentioned at the beginning, Kamikatsu, a community located on Shikoku Island, has become a world benchmark, because its recycling rates exceed 80%.

In 2003, it became the first municipality to comply with the Zero Waste or Zero Waste philosophy. His neighbors are an example to follow, as they compost all the organic waste in their homes and classify it into 45 different categories.

Mottainai in the industry

So far, Japan has surprised us with its futuristic vision and highly advanced technological culture. But, we are also surprised by new industries that are concerned about caring for the environment. For example, electronic device repair shops, businesses related to the recycling of plastics or oils or second-hand markets, among others.

Likewise, it should be noted that Japan has ancient philosophies, such as the Kintsugi practice. This art, which consists of repairing objects with gold, is also characterized by transmitting values ​​to them.

The Japanese expression Mottainai It consists of promoting ecological awareness and teaching at an early age how important it is to be grateful for the resources we receive. In this sense, the number of companies that care about working with ecological materials continues to increase, as is the case of Sustain Awards. This store, specialized in trophies and medals, with recycled materials, is an example in this sector.

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