This Monday marks 348 days since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers begin training this Monday in the handling of battle tanks leopard 2 after the arrival of the first Canadian vehicle in Poland, while Russia increases pressure on several fronts facing the first anniversary of the war and in the political arena kyiv shuffles the relief of the defense minister.
Map of the situation in Ukraine from British Intelligence
The illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is continuing.
The map below is the latest Defense Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 6 February 2023.
Find out more about the UK government’s response:
?? #StandWithUkraine ??
— Ministry of Defense ?? (@DefenceHQ) February 6, 2023
Pro-Russian authorities in Donetsk accuse Ukraine of killing 90 civilians by landmines
The pro-Russian authorities in the Donetsk region, in eastern Ukraine, have warned that at least 90 people, including six children, have been killed by the explosion of antipersonnel mines placed by the ukrainian army.
More than 16,000 Ukrainian minors have been deported to Russia, according to kyiv
A total of 16,220 Ukrainian children have been deported from the country since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, which will be one year old on the 24th, the Ukrainian Ombudsman reported on Monday. The institution reports on its Facebook profile the total number of minors who have been deported up to February 6 and which is collected by the Ukrainian state portal children of war. They also ensure that in this period other 350 children have been reported missing and a total of 9,510 minors who have been untraceable since the beginning of the conflict have been located.
Data update of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”
Eleanor RooseveltTotal combat losses of the enemy from Feb 24 to Feb 6:
— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) February 6, 2023
Ukrainian Defense Minister denies that Zelensky offered him to head the Ministry of Strategic Industries
The head of Defense of Ukraine, Oleksii Reznikov, who according to local media may be dismissed in the next few hours by President Volodímir Zelenski, has indicated this Monday that “neither the president nor the prime minister of the country” have offered him to be the head of the Ministry of Strategic Industries. At the end of January, the Ministry of Defense was affected by a corruption scandal which led to the dismissal of several senior officials.