
Microsoft is experimenting with a version of Windows 11 for the Steam Deck and other laptops

Steam Deck has become a success

Steam Deck has turned out to be a huge success and a lot of companies are turning to see what Valve’s machine is capable of. In fact, according to new information, Microsoft is working on the first versions of a portable mode of Windows 11 for devices like the Steam Deck.

A leaked video posted on Twitter by h0x0d shows early concept and prototype work for a streamlined Windows 11 user interface designed for mobile devices, as well as a launcher and elements made to work on touchscreens and controllers.

As reported The Verge, the video was taken at a hackathon inside Microsoft that was held in September. There employees presented ideas or projects that, if good enough, receive support from company executives to become commercial products.

Thus, this project would seek to create a version of Windows that is easy to use on portable gaming devices such as the Steam Deck. Let’s remember that, although Valve’s laptop is compatible with Microsoft’s operating system, the user interface is difficult to navigate and it lacks a dedicated gaming launcher like SteamOS.

Video: What the heck is Steam Deck?

Thus, the project in the video allows us to see a launcher that launches services such as the Xbox app (with everything and PC Game Pass), Steam, EA Play, Epic Games Store and others. It also features a floating taskbar and a keyboard optimized for use on a touchscreen with a gaming-focused interface.

The bad news is that there is a possibility that this project will never see the light of day and that it will remain only a hackathon project. With that being said, do you wish something like this existed? Tell us in the comments.

Steam Deck has become a success

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