economy and politics

Mexico expects progress on the energy issue of the T-MEC before the end of 2022

Mexico expects progress on the energy issue of the T-MEC before the end of 2022

“In the conversation that has been held with the US authorities, we are going in working groups to move forward as soon as possible. Of the four blocks, we have worked very hard with the energy sector to integrate the responses. We are already looking for the meetings of the working group in the course of this week to exchange information”, explained the secretary.

Last week, during his appearance in the Plenary of the Senate of the Republic the official spoke about the status of energy consultations, requested by the United States and Canada in the middle of this year.

looking for investment

Questioned about economic expectations, and the fact that businessman Carlos Slim has praised the national economy, the Minister of Economy maintained that the situation in Mexico “is unbeatable.”

Slim, who last week participated in a press conference at the UNAM Law School, announced that he sees employment opportunities and economic prosperity for the country, with a economic growth close to 6% .

He added that, as a result of the proximity to the United States and the need to strengthen regional markets, “there is a list of just over 400 companies that want to relocate here, in Mexico.”

For next year, the Ministry of Finance estimates growth of up to 3%.

Buenrostro reiterated the possibility of having “important investments” that translate into more formal employment.

“We are working hard not only to reach the goal (of economic growth), but to attract the greatest possible investment and greatly improve formal jobs,” insisted Secretary Buenrostro.

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