Science and Tech

Metaverse and BIM, two emerging technologies that will transform architecture

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The metaverse is positioned as a driver of enormous transformations in the technological field. Associated with leisure and entertainment, this virtual environment also impacts other sectors such as architecture, where it is revolutionizing the way spaces and buildings are conceived in both the digital and physical world. The integration of the metaverse into urban development presents endless opportunities, but also great challenges. Issues that the business event will address Urban Metaverse & Smart Citieswhich will take place on October 17 and 18 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It is an emerging field that is characterized by promoting projects in which interactivity, customization and creativity have no limits and that, applied to the AECO sector (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operations), is enriched with advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality or the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology.

The Tenerife event will focus on the integration of metaverse technologies in smart city planning. The metaverse aspires to become a virtual reflection of the physical world, including digital versions of spaces such as homes, offices, theaters or sports stadiums. It seems like science fiction, but it is not. In fact, there are already investors and companies that are buying virtual properties with the intention of building or selling in the future.

Given this situation, architectural professionals must be at the forefront of the technological trends that are transforming their work. And for this, it is essential that they have spaces for debate such as the Urban Metaverse & Smart Citiesto reflect on innovations and how they might impact your workflow. And the metaverse advances, new products are developed every week in this virtual world, and architects must be able to design the virtual spaces where all this happens.

We are facing a paradigm shift that fully impacts the AECO sector, just as happened a few years ago with the emergence of BIM technology. A collaborative work methodology that makes it possible to collect all the information about a project in a single digital model shared among the professionals involved. The use of different BIM tools and software allows for more effective collaboration and greater efficiency in each of the stages of construction. And thanks to the use of a Common Data Environment (CDE) where all the project information is stored, or to viewers such as Autodesk Viewer, Navisworks Freedom, BIMx either IFC BuilderFor example, all members of the work team can review the model and work on it.

Precisely, the combination between virtual reality and BIM can bring with it an unprecedented digital transformation by allowing the immersive enjoyment of the information contained in the models. A virtual world where all the agents involved in the project can meet, interact, collaborate in real time and work as if they were in the same room.

Technology advances, and increasingly rapidly, which forces professionals in the sector to update their knowledge through Urban Metaverse & Smart Cities, other conferences, fairs or courses that allow them to stay up to date and thus promote more efficient, sustainable and higher quality projects.

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