Science and Tech

Meta tests NFTs on Facebook with a group of US creators

Meta tests NFTs on Facebook with a group of US creators

July 4. (Portaltic/EP) –

Goal has released support for non-fungible tokens (NFTfor its acronym in English) in Facebook, an option intended for the moment to a group of content creators in the United States who allows you to publish your assets on the social network.

The technology incorporated the collections of NFTs on Instagram on May 10. Thanks to this, the platform intended to bring these creations to “a broader audience.” Then, he also assured that it would be a free option, since he would not charge fees for sharing these digital collectibles.

Recently, Meta has extended this capability to Facebook, as a company spokesperson has advanced to the specialized media TechCrunch. This has indicated that, as of now, a small group of creators in the United States you will be able to publish your NFTs on the platform.

Users will be able to share their tokens in their corresponding profiles in a dedicated section, where these assets will be available with the label ‘digital collectibles’, as is already happening on Instagram.

To raise awareness of what NFTs look like on Facebook, one of Meta’s product managers, navdeep singhyou have shared in your account Twitter Some screenshots of the product.

According to these images, users will be able to access the information of the NFTs when clicking on them, as well as details related to the collection to which it belongs and its creator.

It should be remembered that the co-founder and CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, has recently announced that, in the future, the company will allow cross-publishing between both platforms. That is, between Facebook and Instagram.

East creators market on Instagram, which is currently in the testing phase, is presented as a space where creators can “be discovered and paid”. These will be able, with the new interoperable subscriptionsoffer subscribers who have access to exclusive groups on Facebook on other platforms.

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