economy and politics

Manual to file your annual tax return before the SAT

Manual to file your annual tax return before the SAT

6. If you obtain a favorable balance, you can send the declaration with the password, if the amount does not exceed 10,000 pesos, or, if the balance is greater than 10,000 pesos and up to 150,000 pesos, as long as you select the default interbank CLABE in the app. If the balance in favor exceeds 150,000 pesos, the use of the electronic signature is essential.

You can check the status of your return in the section of the SAT page “Returns and Compensations/Monitoring of procedures and requirements”.

The authority has a period of 20 business days after the return request is submitted to request additional information, and it has a maximum period of 40 business days to resolve it.

7. In case of being taxed, you will have to pay through an acknowledgment that will contain a capture line with the amount to be paid and the payment deadline, the statement will be considered filed until the corresponding payment is madethis can be done by electronic transfer of funds from your bank portal.

If you do not have electronic banking services and you carry out business activities and, if your income for the year did not exceed 2,455,520 pesos, or, you do not carry out business activities and your income for the aforementioned year was less than 420,940 pesos, you can make the payment in bank window of authorized credit institutions.

8. If you It results in a balance to be paid and it is not possible for you to make it in a single payment, you can make it in up to six installmentsas long as you send the declaration and cover the first installment before the expiration of the established term, select within the payment determination that “Opt to pay in installments”.

This facility is without effect, if the installments are not fully covered within the established terms, for which reason the tax authorities will require the immediate payment of the tax credit.

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