
Mali claims to have caused “great losses” to a terrorist group after repelling an ambush in Ségou

Mali claims to have caused "great losses" to a terrorist group after repelling an ambush in Ségou

September 26 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Malian Army has claimed to have caused “heavy losses” to a terrorist group after an “ambush” against its forces around the town of Saye, located in the Ségou region, in the center of the African country.

The Armed Forces have stressed in a statement published on their account on the social network Facebook that “the unit has responded vigorously to the ambush and has caused heavy losses to the enemy,” before adding that fighter jets have bombed the attackers. during their retreat.

Likewise, he highlighted that “a helicopter operation has made it possible to catch the last escapees in their trenches”, before applauding the work of the military who “spare no effort or sacrifice to protect the Malian population throughout the national territory.” .

“The Chief of the Army Staff thanks the Malians for their support and guarantees the population that the fight against obscurantism will continue without rest,” he noted. “United, we will win,” he added.

The African country is currently led by a military junta established after the coups d’état perpetrated in August 2020 and May 2021, both headed by Assimi Goita, current transitional president, who has led a rapprochement with Russia while distanced from both France and Western governments, including its departure in January – along with Burkina Faso and Niger – from the ranks of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

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