Science and Tech

Making this ad would have taken a lot of time and money. Someone did it in less than 24 hours using Runway’s AI

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One of the questions we asked ourselves when OpenAI introduced Sora in February of this year was how it would impact the professional world of the video. At that time, according to the testimony of several editors, everything seemed to indicate that this tool would position itself as an interesting alternative for generating visual resources.

Time has passed and, although we have seen some interesting work, access to Sora is still limited to a small number of people. A text-based video generator called Gen-3 Alpha from New York firm Runway has been available to everyone for a few weeks now, and it is generating a lot of buzz.

AI has put enormous possibilities at our fingertips

Laszlo Gaal has shared his most recent creation with Gen-3 Alpha. As this Hungarian professional colorist tells it, the idea of ​​the project was to test the capabilities of the model for commercial purposes. The result? A 48-second cinematic-looking video which simulates being a commercial for the automotive company Volvo.

In the ad, which is not an official ad from the Swedish brand, we can see an XC60 SUV moving through different scenarios, ranging from a lonely and remote road to the streets of a big city with huge buildings. As the vehicle moves forward, vegetation blooms and envelops everything.

Gaal says that all the clips were generated with Gen-3 Alpha. As we know, this tool generates videos from text, so it is necessary to have a certain prompting skill to obtain good results. Gen-3 Alpha, it should be noted, also incorporates several manual controls for professional users.

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Click on the image to watch the video on YouTube

The colorist says he had never used Runway’s text-to-video capabilities before, although he had previously experimented with the image-to-video capabilities of Gen-2, the previous version of the model. This helped him get a sense of the prompts he would use for this job. He also made some additional adjustments that included the brand logo and license plate.

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Gen 3 Commercial 5

Click on the image to watch the video on YouTube

Although the ad is far from perfect in some ways, there is no doubt that this is an amazing piece of work. Thanks to artificial intelligence, someone has been able to create a visually appealing video. in just 24 hoursThere are no shots taken from real sets here, everything you see is completely synthetic.

Gaal is quick to say that Gen-3 is “a big step” from Gen-2, and that this latest AI model will “change the industry.” We are indeed witnessing the early stages of the generative AI revolution firsthand, so if things continue to advance at this rate, we can expect some very promising things.

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However, not everything is rosy. The current situation has led to the opening of several fronts of discussion. Many creatives are not happy with the implementation of this type of tools. On the other hand, copyright infringement lawsuits have begun to rain down on the data used to train AI models.

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