
Macron values ​​a “broad and clear” majority as “possible” for the composition of the National Assembly

Macron values ​​a "broad and clear" majority as "possible" for the composition of the National Assembly

June 22 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The president of France, Emmanuel Macron, believes that it is possible to find a large and clear majority in the framework of negotiations with different parties and has said that “it is not justified” to deny unity in the face of the composition of the National Assembly.

“I believe that, therefore, it is possible, at the crucial moment we are experiencing, to find a larger and clearer majority to act”, said the French head of state, adding that he hopes that “in the coming weeks” they will reach agreements.

The governability of France is in danger after the second round of the French legislative elections held on Sunday and in which the coalition related to Macron, Together!, has not achieved an absolute majority and therefore must agree with other formations to guarantee the parliamentary process of government initiatives.

After the elections, Together! (centre) has 246 of the total 577 seats in the National Assembly. The Republicans (right) have 64 seats and the National Group (extreme right), 89. The New Ecologist and Social Union (Nupes, left) led by La Francia Insumisa has won 146 seats.

Macron therefore no longer has an absolute majority in the Assembly. The French president has started a round of contacts with other parties, although, for now, the Republicans party, representative of the moderate right, has already made it clear that he will not support him.

In that sense, he confirmed this Wednesday that “most of the leaders” with whom he has spoken have ruled out the possibility of a government of national unity.” “In my opinion, it is not justified,” said the French president, as reported by the newspaper ‘Le Monde’.

Thus, Macron has called for “governing and legislating in another way” in the face of the “fractures” revealed by the legislative elections. “No political force today can make laws alone. The presidential majority is relative,” he has sentenced.

“It will be necessary to build compromises, enrichments, amendments, but do it with total transparency, in the open. If I may say so, it concerns all political forces, starting with the presidential majority, and also all the others,” Macron clarified. , as reported by ‘Ouest France’.

For this reason, he said that “it will be necessary to clarify in the coming days the share of responsibility and cooperation that the different formations of the National Assembly are willing to assume.” Likewise, he has indicated that the country “needs ambitious reforms to create more wealth and innovate more.”

The French president has also called attention to the “strong abstention”. “Nor can I ignore the fractures, the deep divisions that cross our country and are reflected in the composition of the new Assembly”, he stressed.

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