We invite you to guess how many eyes of different colors are in the following optical illusion, and there are fewer than you think.
Our senses can end up deceiving us, and this is demonstrated in the optical illusions that challenge our sight, and that make us see something that is not really there or even fool us with the colors or the shapes.
And now we invite you to a simple game, where you have to find out how many eyes of different colors you see in the image that accompanies the news, and we already warn you that, being a optical illusionthe most obvious answer is not the correct one.
It is one of the visual illusions launched by the British contact lens retailer Lenstorewith an image in which they want to demonstrate how to fool our eyes with a little trick of very close horizontal lines on the original colors.
We already told you that the answer is not 20 different colors, and we are not talking about the red color in the upper right part being similar to the red color in the lower right part, because that is not the trick.
We give you the solution: there are many fewer colors than you originally said in this optical illusion. What if, there are only five different colors in the whole pictureand now we explain it to you.
That is, we see all the different colors in the top row, since the rest of the rows, the second, third and fourth, are copies of the first.
Welcome to the Munker-White Illusion
The image is an example of what is known as the Munker–White illusiona psychologist who studied how overlapping black and white lines on a shape can change our perception of how light or dark the shape itself is.
Munker-White then experimented with altering the colors of shapes and lines to manipulate our visual perception, and this is best done in optical illusions.
Basically the trick of these visual illusions it is that our perception is distorted because we perceive shapes in more detail while colors are perceived less. In this way the color fades giving importance to the lines.
If you want to see for yourself, all you have to do is download the image, use some kind of zoom either with your mobile phone or on your computer, and you will see that yes, behind those little lines, in the background, it really is the original color of the top row.