
Liberian President George Weah accepts his party’s nomination to run for a second term

Liberian President George Weah accepts his party's nomination to run for a second term


The President of Liberia and former international soccer star, George Weah, accepted this Sunday the nomination of his party, the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) to run for a second term in the general elections scheduled for October 10, this year.

Weah, 56, has vowed to continue programs aimed at economic growth and low inflation if he wins the October election.

The president won a landslide victory in the 2017 presidential election, in the first political transition between democratically elected heads of state in decades in the African country.

“I will be a presidential candidate at the polls,” Weah told hundreds of thousands of supporters at a rally in the capital, Monrovia, on Saturday.

“I am pleased and honored to accept the appointment as party standard-bearer, to lead this formation in the search for a second six-year term. I am sure that, with your full support and backing, our victory is assured,” he said. during his speech.

“Let’s continue what I started to achieve economic growth and prosperity,” the president asserted in a speech reported by the Liberian newspaper ‘Daily Observer’.

However, Weah has ended his speech with the promise that he will not run for a third term if he ends up winning the elections.

“I want to ask you to prepare to elect a new leader. Our Constitution does not allow three terms, so I will gladly accept my march in 2030. It is a solemn promise that I promise to honor and respect,” he assured.

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