First modification:
Traditionally, mid-term elections in the US turn into a referendum, and in most cases, a punitive vote on the tenant of the White House and very likely Joe Biden will not escape this reality either. Republicans are favorites for this appointment according to polls that see a Republican “red wave” in the House of Representatives as likely.
President Biden continues to focus his latest campaign speeches on the danger extreme Trumpists pose to democracy. And all this, remember, after the assault on the husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, last week. We analyze what this election date means for the future of both Biden and Trump.
In this edition, we have our sights set on the US, where the mid-term elections will be held next Tuesday, November 8, and to analyze these elections, join us:
-Jim Cohen, professor in the department of the Anglophone world at Sorbonne University
-Marie Laure Maillet doctor in sociology and professor at the Sorbonne University
-Victor Hugo Ramirez, Professor and researcher at the University of Paris East
-In duplex from New York, our RFI correspondent, Silvina Sterin Pensel.
Follow us on the social networks of #EnPrimeraPlana and RFI
A program coordinated by Florencia Valdés and Ana María Ospina, directed by Steven Helsly, Mathias Taylor, Victor Uhl and David Brockway.