In recent decades, Global Value Chains (GVCs) have become a fundamental part of international trade, representing more than two thirds of it. The trade and foreign direct investment policies of many developing countries seek to integrate and scale in these chains to generate export earnings, transfer knowledge and technology, and promote employment (ECLAC and KAS, 2023).
However, the results of the insertion of Latin America and the Caribbean in the GVCs from a gender perspective are uneven. Gender inequality in the labor market and patriarchal and discriminatory cultural patterns affect the type of participation of women in the chains. Often, women are located in sectors, segments and occupations with lower added value. In addition, the precarious and subordinate insertion of women in GVCs contributes to the persistence of gender gaps in the economy (ECLAC and KAS, 2023).
To achieve a transformative recovery with a gender perspective, it is necessary to strengthen integration and regional productive complementarity, especially in sectors that stimulate economies and generate quality jobs for men and women. In this sense, the exchange of experiences and good practices is fundamental and strategic to promote affirmative actions and gender mainstreaming in trade policies. To this end, ECLAC and KAS convene this parallel event on the occasion of the First Meeting of the Regional Conference on South-South Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Promote a space for exchange on gender inequalities in Global Value Chains through the presentation of new analyzes and evidence for Latin American and Caribbean countries and discuss the challenges and opportunities to promote a transformative recovery with equality of gender in the region.