
Las Ketchup, what happened to the singers of Aserejé – telemicro news

Editorial. ― The sisters Lola, Pilar and Lucía went from anonymity to World Fame with his hit “Aserejé“More than 20 years later, this topic remains a anthem iconic that evokes nostalgia and fun on party nights, showing the lasting impact of The ketchup in the pop culture.

Now, further away from the reflectorsafter the boom of those years, the sisters live a low profile: Pillar He works in the music industry and also in theatre and film as actress and screenwriter; Lola study Flamencology and published a biography of his father; for his part, Lucydedicated himself to his family.

Las Ketchup rose to world fame in 2002 with their hit “Aserejé”, said song is from their first album titled The daughters of the tomatoand this was the only one that curiously was not written by the sisters, but by the producer Manuel Ruiz Queco Gomez.

From Spain, Aserejé impacted the United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Brazil, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Japan, Mexico and South America, infecting with his mix of flamenco, pop and a fun choreography to the mass public.

The strange chorus of the song is what caught the most attention and was an enigma that for many people survives to this day. And the song fulfilled its function: a cheerful and carefree rhythm that became an anthem of the nightclubs and the parties across the globe.

After the success of her hit, Rocío Muñoz decided to leave the group. The other three sisters tried to continue the musical career, but their lives took different directions. Pilar Muñoz She initially focused on acting and then opened a beauty salon after failing to achieve the desired success in show business. Lucia Munozalthough he continued in music, he also ended up helping out in his sister’s salon. Lola Munoz He completed studies in Labor Sciences and specialized in Flamencology.

‘This article may contain information published by third parties, some details of this article were extracted from the following source: ntelemicro.com’

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