
Jordan shoots down a weapons-laden drone that entered its airspace from Syria

Jordan shoots down a weapons-laden drone that entered its airspace from Syria

June 16 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Jordanian authorities have announced this Friday the shooting down of a drone loaded with weapons that entered its airspace from Syrian territory, days after a similar event with an unmanned device loaded with drugs that also crossed the border.

Sources from the General Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces have indicated in statements to the Jordanian state news agency, Petra, that the drone has been shot down by the Border Guard after detecting “an attempt to cross the border illegally from Syrian territory”. “It has been shot down in Jordanian territory,” they added.

“After the demolition, it was discovered that (the drone) was carrying multiple weapons. The seized material has been handed over to the competent authorities,” they stated, before stressing that the Armed Forces “firmly face any threat to the borders that seek to undermine or destabilize homeland security and intimidate its citizens”.

Jordan announced Tuesday that it shot down a drone carrying 500 grams of glass after crossing the border from Syria. On May 1, Amman hosted a meeting between several foreign ministers from Arab countries -including the Syrian, Faisal Mikdad-, in which Damascus pledged to “strengthen cooperation” to fight drug trafficking and smuggling, within the framework of the work for the reintegration of Syria after more than a decade of isolation.

In this sense, the Syrian authorities were willing to cooperate with Jordan and Iraq to identify the sources of production and distribution of narcotics across their borders, in the midst of the increase in the flow of captagon trafficking in the context of the war that broke out. in 2011 in the Arab country.

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