economy and politics

Joint regional webinar on prices ECLAC and ESCWA: innovation and integration of statistical operations

This regional seminar has been organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), through the Statistics Division, and by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), and is part of the activities of the 14th Tranche of the United Nations Development Account (DA-14).

The meeting is intended to promote resilient and agile statistics to meet the need for post-COVID-19 data, improve decision-making in the recovery, and in particular, monitor economic disparities. In this sense, innovation issues will be raised in the sources of information for its collection, as well as the integration of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the International Comparison Program (PCI). A space has been designated to learn about regional experiences in the new challenges of innovative sources of information for the collection of data on prices, such as the scanner dates and the web scraping. Finally, good practices in the implementation of the PCI will be reviewed with two case studies in which the challenges and steps to follow for the implementation and integration of the IPC-PCI will be shown.

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