
Iran expresses its readiness to mediate in the resumption of relations between Turkey and Syria

Iran expresses its readiness to mediate in the resumption of relations between Turkey and Syria


The Government of Iran has expressed this Monday its willingness to play a mediating role in the progress of the resumption of relations between Turkey and Syria, which has been mired in a civil war since 2011.

The senior adviser to the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Ali Asgar Jaji, had a meeting with the Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister, Burak Akçapar, to whom he reaffirmed the need for political dialogue to resolve the problems between Ankara and Damascus.

The Iranian diplomat has also highlighted the historical relations between the two neighbors and they have discussed current issues about conflicts in the region, according to the Mehr news agency.

Russia already announced at the end of January that there was an agreement to include Iran in the process of normalization of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Syria. Iran is, together with Russia, the main ally of the Syrian president, Bashar al Assad, in the framework of the armed conflict.

The negotiation process between Damascus and Ankara seems to be clearly outlined after the meeting that took place at the end of December between the Syrian Defense Minister, Ali Mahmud Abbas, his Turkish counterpart, Hulusi Akar, and the Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, in Moscow.

The meeting, the first of its kind since the war in Syria broke out in 2011, took place after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan proposed to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in mid-December to hold a trilateral meeting with the Syrian President, Bashar al Assad, and thus open a negotiation process to normalize bilateral ties.

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