Large companies often need reduce your spending to be able to continue advancing in other divisions or areas. This is the case of Intel, which for the third consecutive year after the pandemic will see its workforce reduced to save several million euros for next year. According to They tell us in Bloombergthis reduction in staff will consist of 10,000 employees throughout the world, which will reduce to a total of 100,000 workers.
This will only affect Intel, and not companies in its group that continue to operate under its command. A reduction that adds to the one the company already made in 2022, and also in 2023 when it left its workforce from almost 125,000 workers in 110,000 for this 2024. The news has not yet been made official and it is expected that Intel announces this measure in the coming weeksa measure that aims save 10 billion dollars looking ahead to next year 2025.
Intel is investing in the Creation of new factoriessolutions to address the demand for Artificial intelligenceas well as in next-generation consumer products. Investments that must be made compensate by reducing expensesin this case in non-critical areas of the company that will allow this workforce to be reduced and have lower personnel costs.
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