After the meeting between the Ministry of Health, Guillermo Jaramillo and various managers Health Provider Entities (EPS)and in response to the invitation from the portfolio manager to make suggestions regarding the health reform, Three of the unions that group the insurers of the contributory and subsidized regime reiterated their concern regarding the articles approved in the first debate.
It’s about the Acemi, Asocajas and the Andi Assurance Chamberwhich stated in a statement that the reform fails to solve the underlying problems of the health system and, on the contrary, proposes a care model “ambiguous“, which could “worsen the health conditions of the population“.
(Health reform still does not provide financial clarity for the EPS).
In the same way, these three entities mention that there is a lot of confusion about the functions assigned to the Attention Centers Prhyme in Health (CAPS)the life managers and the Adresseswhich, according to the associations, “expose the system to a risk of collapse“.
(Minsalud and EPS spoke about transformation to Health Managers).
Faced with this, they assure that “it is not possible to solve the structural problems of the paper, nor its multiple processing defects, including its probable unconstitutionality, by means of propositions“.
(Health reform still does not provide financial clarity for the EPS).
Therefore, the unions considered that it is necessary to make a review “comprehensive” and “exhaustive” of the articles, with the participation of all the actors involved in the reform.
(Transparency for Colombia sees risks in health reform).
Finally, they insisted that the articles of the reform have to be withdrawnbecause this, according to these three entities, would be important for “advance in the construction of true spaces for dialogue, which under the leadership of the Minister of Health allow the formulation of a new project“. Likewise, they proposed the assembly of a new reform that “generate real guarantees of evolution of the System and the progressive advancement of the right to health for all Colombians and migrants“.