economy and politics

Inflation in 2022 would not fall below 12%: this is what analysts expect

Inflation in Colombia

The next On January 5, Dane will reveal the annual inflation data for 2022 after knowing how much was the official variation of December. Analysts are not very optimistic about the results of last year, which will impact the prices of various items for this 2023.

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Initially, the Banco de la República announced its forecasts, according to the expectations survey made to analysts, in which inflation would end 2022 at 12.2%but throughout 2023 it would begin to yield to close the year at 7.5%.

For its part, Banco Agrario, after reviewing its forecasts, showed that it expects inflation in 2022 reaches 12.7%. For November they had an estimate of 12.39%. However, the Dane showed that the annual CPI reached 12.53% in said month.

Along with this, BBVA Research, an entity attached to the Spanish bank, It showed that inflation would have to subside gradually but not at the speed expected. That is why by 2022 it would close at 12.5% ​​and drop to 7.3% by December 2023. Likewise, it would reach 4.5% by the end of 2024.

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Inflation in Colombia.


In addition, from Scotiabank Colpatria they expect a monthly inflation of 0.84% ​​in December and annual inflation of 12.66% with a possibility of an increase, according to Sergio Olarte, an economist at said bank.

From another perspective, experts from Corficolombiana’s economic team estimate that by Decembere monthly inflation would be 0.94% and annual inflation would reach 12.77%. In his opinion, “core inflation would continue to rise, while food and regulated prices would have reached their annual inflation peak.”

Finally, for Fedesarrollo, according to the Financial Opinion Survey, which monitors the expectations of analysts and portfolio managers, the CPI for the end of 2022 would be 12.66%. As for the end of the year of 2023, they estimate that it would be 7.64%.

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It should be noted that during 2022 historical levels of inflation were registered in the country. The November record ranks as the highest figure since the beginning of 1999. That is, the highest so far in the 21st century.


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