Science and Tech

In search of HONOR: help us find projects that improve the world thanks to technology and win an HONOR 90

Giveaway on Twitter

Last year we launched ‘In Search of HONORability’, a Xataka and HONOR initiative through which we reward those technology-based, local and little-known projects that they’re making the world a little better place. Three stories shaped this first season and today we are pleased to announce that ‘In search of HONORability’ is back with a second edition. And yes, you too can be part of this adventure.

As? Sending us that HONORable project that you know. Last year we got to know La Exclusiva, a social enterprise that brings services of all kinds to small and uninhabited towns; Nordesnet, an operator set up by the residents of small towns in Segovia to have 1 Gbps fiber; and the Santa Marta Tennis School, a highly technological school whose purpose is to integrate and entertain people of all kinds, with and without disabilities. In this edition we want to go further and helping us to achieve it can be rewarded: an HONOR 90.

‘In search of HONORability’, season 2

@xataka ‘IN SEARCH OF HONORABILITY’ IS BACK ✨ One more year, from Xataka and hand in hand with HONOR, we return to seek HONORability. We want to know and give voice to those local, small, unknown and Spanish tech projects that, through technology, are making the world a better place. You too can be part of this adventure and we want to reward your help with an HONOR 90. Participating in the contest is very simple: – Follow Xataka and @HONOR Spain – Tell us about that HONORable project you know about in the comments of this video. To participate, in addition to completing these steps, it is an essential requirement to be of legal age and resident in Spain. The winner will be chosen by the Xataka team and it is indifferent to participate on Twitter, Instagram or TikTok. The contest begins today, July 25, and will last until July 31, 2023 at 11:55 p.m., Spanish peninsular time. Thank you very much and good luck! ? #Honorable #Xataka #HONOR #technology ♬ original sound – Xataka

‘In search of HONORability’ is a truly exciting project, since it allows us to discover and give voice to those local, small, unknown tech projects in Spain that are generating a positive impact around them. Last year we made and published three documentaries and reports, and this year we are going to make two documentaries and various mini-stories. So, the more proposals we have and you send us, the better.

As in the previous edition, We will go to see these projects first hand wherever they are. We will talk to the protagonists, we will discover what they are doing to improve their environment and we will give them a voice in the form of voice and text through Xataka. Finding these projects is not easy, we are aware, and that is why we want to reward your help with an HONOR 90. Participating in the draw is very simple and you can do it on three platforms: Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

On Twitter, you just have to follow @xataka and @honors and send a tweet with the hashtag #HONORable telling us about the project.

On Instagram, just follow @xataka and @honors and put a comment on this post telling us about the project.

On TikTok, you simply have to tell us about the project in the comments of this video and follow @xataka and @honors.

@xataka ‘IN SEARCH OF HONORABILITY’ IS BACK ✨ One more year, from Xataka and hand in hand with HONOR, we return to seek HONORability. We want to know and give voice to those local, small, unknown and Spanish tech projects that, through technology, are making the world a better place. You too can be part of this adventure and we want to reward your help with an HONOR 90. Participating in the contest is very simple: – Follow Xataka and @HONOR Spain – Tell us about that HONORable project you know about in the comments of this video. To participate, in addition to completing these steps, it is an essential requirement to be of legal age and resident in Spain. The winner will be chosen by the Xataka team and it is indifferent to participate on Twitter, Instagram or TikTok. The contest begins today, July 25, and will last until July 31, 2023 at 11:55 p.m., Spanish peninsular time. Thank you very much and good luck! ? #Honorable #Xataka #HONOR #technology ♬ original sound – Xataka

To participate, in addition to completing these steps, it is an essential requirement to be of legal age and resident in Spain. The winner will be chosen by the Xataka team and it is indifferent to participate on Twitter, Instagram or TikTok. Participations are unlimited, ergo you can increase your chances of winning an HONOR 90 by telling us about several projects, as long as they are done in individual comments. The legal bases can be found here.

The contest starts today, July 25, and will last until July 31, 2023 at 11:55 p.m., Spanish peninsular time. It should be noted that the project mentioned by the winner of the contest does not necessarily have to be one of the projects awarded in the final action. Likewise, it is not worth leaving the projects in the comments of this article.

This content is a collaboration and sponsorship between Xataka and the brand, but there is no agreement on the script or the selection of the topics. The editorial content is made entirely by Xataka.

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