In Bahrain and Abu Dhabi, two major events brought together personalities of all faiths. The world is facing a “great challenge” triggered by conflict, climate change, desertification and sectarian violence. The call to reread and adapt the sacred texts to our time. Religion should be a “deterrent” and not a trigger for evil and injustice.
Baghdad () – Great “concern” for the general international situation and, in particular, for Iraq and the Middle East “cradle of civilizations and religions”, together with the “hope” for a common commitment to peace, dialogue and the brotherhood. Such are the sentiments expressed by the Chaldean Patriarch of Baghdad, Card. Louis Raphael Sako, in a message posted on the Patriarchate’s website – and forwarded to for your knowledge. The text was prepared at the end of two weeks in which he participated in two important events: the “Forum for Dialogue: East and West for Human Coexistence”, held in Bahrain at the beginning of the month with the presence of the Pope Franciscoand the 9th Abu Dhabi Peace Forum, “Globalization of War and the Globalization of Peace, Requirements and Partnership”, which took place from 8 to 10 November.
The cardinal addresses his Christian, Muslim, Yazidi and Sabean fellow citizens “in the light” of the meetings in the two forums, and recalls that “Iraq is our common home” and that, therefore, “we need strength and mutual support “because, otherwise, “we are all doomed”. The world itself “faces a great challenge” created by “conflicts, sectarian and nationalist militancy, chaos and corruption” that affect people’s lives and “economic, social and religious” security.
Added to all this, he continues, are the very serious effects of the Russo-Ukrainian war, the damage caused by climate change, the increasingly tragic food crisis, the water issue and the progressive desertification linked to it. “Little wars,” she warns, “can turn into big conflicts,” and the world needs “a mediation role” to prevent escalation.
“We are all responsible” for what happens “on our planet and in our country”, warns the Chaldean primate. God, “he will not ask” if we are “Shia or Sunni Muslims, Catholic or Orthodox Christians”, but will judge us “by our concerns” and by what we have done “for our brothers”. Only this morality will be able to guarantee “peace and security” which are the way and the light “for eternity”.
Cardinal Sako especially urges politicians and institutions to “take care” of this, our “only home” and ensure “protection and services” to citizens. The goal is to be able to live “in freedom and with dignity” according to the principle of “citizenship”, cooperating “through dialogue and diplomatic channels” and “prohibiting weapons”. Religious leaders, for their part, are called to be witnesses of the divine message. Therefore, it is “unacceptable” to want to become “parties, politicians or businessmen.” They must “discover the deep meaning” of the sacred texts, adapting them to the times, because they are not “prisoners of the letter or of time.” And they must teach people “morality, acceptance of difference, respect for diversity”, as the Pope reiterated, helping to strengthen the internal dialogue within Islam “between Sunnis and Shiites” for the “reconciliation of their respective towns”.
Lastly, recalling some passages from the Bible, the Gospel and the Koran in which the values of peace, morality and justice are extolled, the cardinal once again insisted on the “imperative task” entrusted to the clergy: “Fill the hearts of Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc.” with the values of “fraternity, love, mercy, forgiveness, mutual cooperation and joy”. Moral and spiritual security – he affirms – is a guarantee of peace and coexistence, religion must be a deterrent [y no un detonante] of evil and injustice”.