
How to update DSM in a Synology NAS: all methods

Geeknetic How to Update DSM in a Synology NAS: All methods 1

Keep your nas synology updated is really simple

Like any other computer equipment, your Synology has its own operating system. The company Lanhes updates from time to time to add new functions or Solve problems of software. In this guide I will tell you how to update your NAS to the latest version of DSM, which is the brand’s operating system, even if there are no updates in the control panel.

In essence, in this publication we will analyze the following procedures:

  • Previous steps before updating.
  • DSM update from the system control panel.
  • Manual update using an image provided by Synology.

My advice is that you review the first section and then pass the next. If this does not work, add the last to update your NAS manually.

Previous steps before updating DSM

The first thing you should do before Update DSM is to make a backup of all your data. You may be using Hyper backup To keep the information you have on your NAS records safe.

Now, it is important that you make sure of these two things:

  • That the backup is updated. Depending on the program you have established, it may be more convenient to force a backup, especially if the interval between copies is of a week or more. It is important to emphasize that the album’s information will probably be affected by the update, but in case something goes wrong and you must restore the NAS, you will appreciate having an updated backup.
  • If you use Synology apps, check that you have copied your information. Not all data from Synology’s own applications are in a visible album folder. Therefore, it is important that your backup includes the information housed within the packages. It is an option that you will see when you set up a copy task with Hyper Backup, just after selecting the corresponding folders.

Regardless of the system of copies that you use, the message of this section is clear: before updating, make sure you have copied all the important elements you have housed in your nas.

How to update a Synology NAS from the DSM panel

This is the easiest method for Update your Synology NAS and have the latest version of DSM. Like any other operating system, in the settings panel, you have a section dedicated to the download and implementation of new versions. From the main screen of DSM, explore all applications and click control Panel.

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Then click Update and restore.

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So look if the message appears “Its DSM version is updated”. If so, it means that there are no new versions to install. If there were a new version, here the button would appear to proceed with the update.

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If you can’t install the update right now, click Update settings. In the emerging window, select the most convenient moment for the NAS to install the new versions.

How to manually update Synology DSM

Well, although the automatic system is comfortable, it does not always warn of the new versions. In my case, with DSM 7.1, the NAS did not offer me the possibility of updating to version 7.2.2. Obviously, it is most likely that later DSM had detected this new version. Now, if in your case you do not want to wait, you can opt for the Manual update of the system. How is it done?

If you have followed the steps of the previous section, you are already in the right place. If it hasn’t been so, go to Control panel> update and restore. Then, press in DSM manual update.

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Now, go to Download Center of Synology. Use the list that you will see on screen for Locate your NAS model. It is important that you select the exact model to avoid downloading an incorrect file.

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In the tab Operating systemyou will be able to download the necessary image to update your NAS manually. It is a .pat type of file that you can save on your team. It has an approximate weight of about 400 MB.

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Now, return to your NAS control panel and press Examine To upload the .pat file that you have downloaded and that contains the latest DSM available version for your team.

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Press in Ok so that the file is uploaded to NAS. Then, follow the steps that appear on the screen to complete the update. Generally, You will lose access to your NAS for about 20 minutesalthough it is possible that the process is completed before.

End of article. Tell us something in the comments!

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