Science and Tech

How to improve the WiFi signal and increase coverage at home

How to improve the WiFi signal and increase coverage at home

It seems inevitable that when moving away from the router, the WiFi signal begins to decrease and does not arrive with the same power that it has when we are close.

It has happened to all of us the fact of having a room in our house where the wireless network is excessively weak or we simply do not have.

If we are affected by the fact that there is an area of ​​our house where we cannot have internet or the connection is excessively low, we will always find some type of solution to at least navigate with some ease.

We can use this article to know how to increase the signal, so that its range is extended and so that it reaches all the rooms in the house, providing a level of coverage that allows us to function smoothly.

Let’s see what are the forms that we currently have to be able to increase this signal and get better speeds in all the trouble spots in our house.

change router

One of the easiest ways to get a significant increase in the WIFi signal is to change router.

It may be that we are still using an 802.11 g or 802.11 n device, so it would be normal that our signal was not efficient at all. Older routers do not have the same signal strength or throughput as newer routers.

It is advisable to get at least one 802.11ac devicewhose great difference is the increase in data throughput at distances similar to the old ones.

For you to understand better, the 802.11n standard can transmit about 600 Mbps at an indoor distance of about 45 meters, while 802.11ac reaches speeds of 1.13 Gbps in the same range.

Obviously, if we can get a WiFi 6 router (802.11ax)the level of speed and range will be even greater and can perfectly become the solution to all our coverage problems.

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move router

It may be that the problem we found so that the signal does not reach all the places in the house is due to the bad situation where it is in router.

Having it under a piece of furniture, in an area where it is more or less covered, under a stair area or behind something, may be the reason that the signal does not reach the rest of the house, since it is the situation of the device itself main of Wifi which causes this error.

The solution seems clear, we must move the router to a zone that is free of large objects, where it is not covered, where there is nothing in front of it and where we have no type of utensil that can block the WiFi signal, at least at first glance.

Improve antennas

If we have a WiFi router with a single antenna to transmit the signal to the whole house, we can always try to update it, since there are many positive aspects that we are going to be able to achieve.

We will achieve a greater transmission range, making the signal reach the rooms of the house more efficiently, we will be able to have greater control of the transmission, since a high-gain omnidirectional antenna will give us greater precision in the direction in which the one that is transmitted, but also we are going to achieve more speed.

To get this update we only have to check the compatibility of our router and see what antennas can be placed on it auxiliary to this device.

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Wi-Fi Mesh

use a system Wi-Fi Meshnamely, a wireless meshit’s going to be an extremely effective way to cover a lot more space with a constant signal.

This type of connection uses a single unified wireless network, connecting, in most cases, almost instantly to the existing network without the need to configure anything.

The kits that exist for this type of WiFi can be found with a wide variety of pricessince everything will depend on the coverage, the performance and the number of bases that we need to cover our entire home.

WiFi extenders

Another option that we can have today to expand our wireless networksis to use an extendersince it will be dedicated precisely to amplifying the very connection of the router to which we associate it.

The extenders are easy to place today are those of power line typebecause all we have to do is plug one of them near the router, connect them via Ethernet cable and then take another doctor to the area where we do not have a good signal, so that both are synchronized and can reproduce the signal Wifi.

If we have a house that is quite old, the logical thing is that the walls are thicker than the most modern constructions, so in that case we advise you to have a double band extender.

Change the channel

If you have a moderately modern wireless network router, you will surely have the possibility of transmitting in two bands such as 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

Both cases differ fundamentally because the 2.4 GHz has a greater range, but achieves less speed, while the 5 GHz then has higher speeds, but reaches a shorter range.

Each of these bands are made up of multiple channels and it may be the case that they overlap each other, causing interference.

It may be that this is the reason why the router coverage is not correct and that is why we have rooms in the house where we have practically no signal.

The solution is go into the router software and configure it to work on different channels where there is no interference.

This is something that we have already explained to you on ComputerHoy and that you can learn how to do by watching the video that we leave you just below or by reading its corresponding article.

upgrade the router

Another reason why it may be that our router does not have enough strength, may be because need to update the firmware.

It may be the case that the company that built this device has detected some kind of bug in the internal software and, as a consequence, has a new firmware update that causes a performance increase significant for WiFi connectivity.

To find out if your router has any type of update for the networks, we only have to go to the manufacturer’s website, enter the section you have for downloads or updates, search for the exact model of our router and, later, download new software.

The way to update the router varies from one brand to another, so it would also be convenient to try to download a guide to know how to do it.

All we have told you are the different ways we have right now to get our WiFi signal to reach all the instances we want in the house.

You can tell us in our networks which of all of them is the one that has best served you to recover coverage in that area where you previously did not have or it was very weak.

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