economy and politics

How many Broncanos could be paid with Zendal money?

How many Broncanos could be paid with Zendal money?

After taking advantage of the victims of terrorism, the Popular Party has gone on to exploit ALS patients. Something can be taken from them. The reason matters little, but this time it has ample doses of fun. And what could be more entertaining and that obsesses both politicians and television. That was all Alberto Núñez Feijóo needed in Congress on Wednesday – let's face it, he is not a comedy star – to attack the signing of David Broncano for TVE.

“Between the program that they want to bring to TVE nights plus the earpieces they have brought to this Parliament, the ELA law was financed and there was money left over,” Feijóo said in a debate supposedly focused on foreign policy. If it seems like a demagogic excess that would serve to disqualify any expense decided by any government or public company, do not believe that it was a slip or an improvised joke.

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