
Guterres condemns the launch of an intercontinental missile and projectiles by North Korea

Guterres condemns the launch of an intercontinental missile and projectiles by North Korea


The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, has condemned the launch of an intercontinental missile and various projectiles in recent days by North Korea, while saying he felt “concerned” about the tension on the Korean peninsula and for the “confrontational rhetoric” in the region.

“The secretary-general reiterates his calls on North Korea to immediately desist from any further provocative action and fully comply with its international obligations under all relevant UN Security Council resolutions,” he said on Friday. a statement.

Guterres has urged Pyongyang to “take immediate steps to resume talks” with the parties involved, while asking the rest “to come together and promote an environment conducive to dialogue with a view to achieving sustainable peace and denuclearization.” complete and verifiable information on the Korean peninsula”.

These statements came shortly before the UN Security Council discussed the recent tensions in the region due to Pyongyang’s launches into the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan, also known as the East Sea.

“While all stakeholders try to avoid an inadvertent escalation, the surge in missile launches and military exercises contributes to a cycle of negative action and reaction,” Deputy Secretary-General Khaled Khiari said during the ninth session on North Korea.

In this sense, he has appealed to the “unity” of the Council with the aim of “searching for solutions and a sustained diplomatic commitment”, while “it is essential to immediately strengthen communication channels, including inter-Korean and military-to-military channels” .

“It is worrying that it has systematically disregarded any considerations relating to international flights or maritime security,” he said, adding that despite Pyongyang’s declaration on October 8 that its missiles did not pose a risk to civil aviation or the region, “aircraft operators must assess the safety of their own flight operations.”

Finally, Khiari stressed that Guterres “continues to be concerned about the humanitarian situation” in the country. “The UN system, in coordination with international and humanitarian partners, stands ready to send personnel and assistance to help the North Korean government address medical and humanitarian needs, including those related to the COVID-19 pandemic,” he has indicated.

“For the response to be timely and effective, we reiterate our call for the unhindered entry of international personnel and humanitarian supplies,” the undersecretary settled during the Security Council session.

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