Science and Tech

Google Translate adds 110 new languages ​​thanks to AI, with which it collects more than 614 million speakers

Google Translate adds 110 new languages ​​thanks to AI, with which it collects more than 614 million speakers

June 28 (Portaltic/EP) –

Google has added 110 new languages ​​at your service Google Translate thanks to its model of Artificial Intelligence (AI) PaLM 2, which includes more than 614 million speakers, including languages ​​with more than 100 million speakers, to small communities of indigenous peoples.

The technology giant continues to work to help people connect more easily. In this sense, it has transferred its intention to “break down language barriers” by applying its latest AI technologies to Google Translateso that more people can access this tool.

In it year 2022Google already added 24 new languages ​​to your translator using Zero-Shot Machine Translation technology. That same year, the company also announced its initiative to reach 1,000 languageswith the aim of supporting the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

Now, Google has announced the expansion of a total of 110 languages that will come to Google Translate to give translation support to more than 600 million peopleas he has shared in a communicated on his blog.

Specifically, the technology company has explained that to expand the variety of languages ​​of its translator, it has used the Large Language Model (LLM) PaLM 2, with which he has managed to implement his “largest expansion to date” regarding new languages ​​included in Google Translate. This is because, thanks to this MML, Google Translate can more efficiently learn languages ​​that are closely related to each other.

Thus, Google has included since Cantoneseone of the most requested languages ​​because it often overlaps with Mandarin in writing, until afar -the language spoken in countries like Ethiopia-, or the Celtic language of the Isle of Man, Manx.

Likewise, the following has also been added: Punjabi (Shahmukhi), which is the most widely spoken language in Pakistan, or the nkowhich is a standardized form of the Manding languages ​​of West Africa, thus unifying many dialects into a common language.

On the other hand, Google will also have translations into Tamazight (Amazigh)a Berber language spoken in North Africa, and the tok pisinthe lingua franca of Papua New Guinea.

The American technology company has also specified that About a quarter of new languages ​​come from Africaso it includes Fon, Kikongo, Luo, Ga, Swati, Venda and Wolof.

With all this, Google has ensured that, after adding these new languages, will represent a total of 614 million speakerswhich will allow you to carry out translations into 8 percent of the world’s population.

Likewise, these added languages ​​range from languages ​​with more than 100 million speakers, to parts small indigenous communitiesin addition to some languages ​​that have virtually no native speakersbut they are working to revitalize the language.

When choosing which new languages ​​to add to Google Translate, the technology company has specified that it takes into account issues such as regional varieties, dialects or different spelling standards. In this case, the company’s approach has been prioritize the most widely used varieties of each language, so that the translation can reach as many people as possible.

Taking all this into account, Google has pointed out that, as technology advances, will continue to partner with expert linguists and native speakers so that, over time, it can support even more linguistic varieties and spelling conventions.

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