Science and Tech

Google Lens is integrated into the Translator app to translate in real time with the mobile camera

Lens integrates with the Translator app

Lens integrates with the Translator app – GOOGLE

Oct. 7 (Portaltic/EP) –

Google has integrated Lens into its Translator app to allow the translation of texts through the mobile camera with the help of the company’s image recognition technology.

The Translator ‘app’ has expanded the translation capabilities through the camera with Lens integrationa novelty that has begun to reach users of Android smartphones, the first of the Pixel models.

This change means that the translation through the camera Directly open Lens and facilitates real time translation of any text, such as the menu of a restaurant or the information poster of an establishment.

The ‘app’ shows in the upper part the indication of the two languages, the original and the one to which it is translated, and incorporates a button to switch from one to the other manually. At the moment, the translated text appears with a flat color background that overlaps the original text, but Google has already announced that soon the translated text will replace it in a more natural way.

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