Science and Tech

Google launches YouTube Health in Spain to bring users information from authorized health sources

Google launches YouTube Health in Spain to bring users information from authorized health sources

September 24 (Portaltic/EP) –

Google has launched its service in Spain YouTube Healthwith which it will offer health-related information from authoritative sourcesfacing Fighting health misinformationfor which it will primarily show the results of official organizations such as the Gregorio Marañon Hospital, Quironsalud or Sanitas, among others.

The company aims to help those users who, when faced with a health problem, They try to resolve their concerns through Internet searchesin addition to going to the doctor. This is because, usually, the information found may be false or erroneous, something that can have serious consequences for people, especially on health-related issues.

In fact, as Google has shared, the Views of health-related videos on YouTube increased by 20 percent last yearwith more than 9 million views of this type of content in Spain.

In this framework, the company has announced the YouTube Health arrives in Spainan initiative framed in its commitment to fight against disinformation, so that, when the When users search for health-related topics on YouTube, they will get answers more reliably and effectively..

To do this, in the results, YouTube Health will prioritize content created by recognized health organizationsas well as by medical professionals and public health experts. In this way, as explained in a statement on his blogensures that the information presented is “accurate, evidence-based and aligned with best medical practices.”

In addition, the company has detailed that these videos from authorized sources will be shown in a section dedicated specifically to information from health sourcesso that users can easily find and access this reliable content. Also, by collecting it in a section, reduces exposure to potentially misleading content.

Following this line, in health-related videos, They will include an information box where the source of the content will be well as offering additional context about the organization or creator of the video in question. This will allow users to corroborate the credibility of the information.

In the case of Spain, these official sources can go hand in hand with public organizations such as the Gregorio Marañón Hospitaland private, such as the University of Navarra Clinic, Quironsalud, Sanitas or the Hospital Clinic Barcelona.

With all this, as detailed by YouTube, users will be able to find qualified information about various pathologies or symptoms related both with physical illnesses and mental illnessessuch as anxiety, autism, kidney stones, back pain, breast cancer, obesity, self-harm, Alzheimer’s, suicide or diarrhea, among other diseases.

However, the company has clarified that the YouTube Health service is “a tool that contributes to the dissemination of authorized medical information,” but that At no time can it be considered a substitute for professional medical care.


On the other hand, YouTube has also made reference to its initiative YouTube Teens Wellbeing, with which it seeks to support the well-being of adolescents on the platform. Specifically, this tool focuses on Offer families more control and supervision of minors on the platformas well as in promoting Resources and tools to promote your digital wellbeing and your mental health.

Thus, YouTube has indicated that they have developed new safeguards in the content recommendations for teenagers, which they have developed together with a team of independent experts from the company’s Youth and Families Advisory Committee.

As he explained, they have identified content categories that, if it is consumed repeatedly, can be problematic for teenagers and minors. For example, these categories include videos in which physical features are compared and idealized over others.

Additionally, YouTube has shared that it also offers crisis resource panels in Spain, with which it helps users to Contacting associations and various services in case of suicidal thoughts or self-harm attacks.

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