Science and Tech

Google launches a feature that turns YouTube channels into Netflix

YouTube in Netflix-like format

YouTube started out as a desktop platform. Then it took off on mobile devices, and now it’s conquering TVs. A new feature will allow creators to Convert your YouTube channel to Netflix format, with seasons and episodes.

YouTube has today presented some new features for the coming months. The most interesting is focused on users who watch YouTube on television, which are becoming more and more common.

YouTube ensures that creators’ income, through views on a television, increase by 30% year after year. So it’s no wonder that they want to boost this area. Also, on a TV it’s more complicated to block ads than on a PC or mobile phone.

Convert your YouTube channel to Netflix format

Soon, creators will be able to use a feature that allows convert content from your channel to the format of a television platform. All or part of the channel’s videos may be converted into chapters Organized by seasons, as explained by Google on his blog.

The option to create a synopsis for each video will be offered, with presentation images that will be seen in full screen on the TV, as shown in the opening photo of the news item.

The design of this television presentation of the YouTube channels is intended so that the user navigates through them using the remote control:


Information about the language and subtitles available is also added. Just like a conventional television series.

This television experience will be enhanced with Immersive content that plays directly from the channel, such as animations and effectssimplified subscription options, and easier access to links in descriptions.

If you use YouTube on your TV, it will be much easier and more enjoyable to browse through the channels as if they were series.and access all the content with the remote control of the TV. It remains to be seen how this format will be displayed on PCs or mobile phones.

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Tags: Viral, YouTube

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